This December 5th, wear blue Gold Star Family members will take purposeful steps of remembrance in the San Antonio Rock'n'Roll Marathon in honor of their loved ones’ sacrifice. Join our global community of athletes as we each run or walk 26.2 miles from December 1 - December 5 in solidarity with our Gold Star athletes. 

The Gold Star Solidarity Run is not exclusively for runners, participants can also log walking.

You won’t just be running for yourself; you will be taking purposeful steps for all of our nation’s families of the fallen.  

Here’s what this looks like. Each day of the challenge, you will run or walk in your local neighborhood and log your miles on our platform. Your goal is to cover at least 26.2 miles over five days, the distance our Gold Star families race on December 5. At the end of the challenge, our families will be able to witness a global community of thousands of supporters who have run alongside their journeys and know that they do not remember alone. 

New to the Racery platform? Click here for a tutorial on how to register and log activity on Racery. Activities can be logged via the Racery app on your smartphone or on your desktop. 

To learn more about our Gold Star Programs, click here.